
2022 03 09


  • We support the Lithuanian Museum Association and ICOM Lithuania and the management of the International Council of Museums (ICOM) and the European Network of Museum Organizations (EMO) to suspend the membership of Russia and Belarus in these organizations.
  • We join the initiative of the Baltic Castles and Museums Association to end any cultural cooperation with the Russian authorities. All cooperation projects of our museum with the Russian and Belarus cultural institutions have been terminated.
  • All Ukrainian citizens are invited to attend the museum’s exhibitions and expositions free of charge upon presentation of an identity document.
  • We will invite Ukrainian children who have found refuge in Lithuania to participate in non-formal education activities.
  • The income generated from our e-book store will be allocated to preparation of the Museum’s educational programs for Ukrainian children.
  • We will accommodate 2 Ukrainian refugee families in our residential units at Jonas Šliupas Museum in Palanga.
  • We will integrate the topics of citizenship and support for Ukraine into the museum’s program, and we will communicate it through visual means as well.

Slava Ukraini!