Aid campaign “The culture of Ukraine has no means of defence”

2023 11 26

The war in Ukraine changed not only the lives of Ukrainians, but also the lives of the whole of Europe including us. During this period, we showed extraordinary unity. Therefore, as the anniversary of the war approaches, from November 28 to December 26 the National Museum of Lithuania, together with the organization “Strong Together” (“Stiprūs kartu”) and LRT, invites everyone to unite and participate in the campaign “Ukrainian culture has no means of defence”.

The war in Ukraine destroys signs of historical memory and identity – the army of the aggressor country destroys, demolishes, and loots, appropriates the cultural heritage of the Ukrainian people. In violation of international law and multilateral agreements, Russia continues to attack cultural and natural heritage, including UNESCO World Heritage sites of exceptional value recognized by the international community. During the war, the historical centres of Odesa and Lviv, the Cathedral of Saint Sophia in Kyiv and the ensemble of monastery buildings (Pechersk Lavra) were damaged. The Archaeological Museum of Odesa, the Maritime Museum and other objects also suffered significant damage.

Lithuania and Ukraine share a special bond arising from common history, statehood and cultural tradition. Therefore, we invite the people of Lithuania not to remain indifferent witnesses of the cultural vandalism perpetrated by Russia, but to actively contribute to the support campaign for Ukraine. The collected funds will be used for the preservation of the heritage destroyed by Russia and the purchase of restoration materials and equipment. The mentioned equipment will be delivered to the Museum of the History of Ukraine – from here they will travel to other museums in the country. The goal of the project is to show solidarity and protect vulnerable cultural heritage in order to preserve Ukraine’s past for the future.

The collected funds will be used for the preservation of the heritage destroyed by Russia and the purchase of restoration materials and equipment. The mentioned equipment will be delivered to the Museum of the History of Ukraine – from here they will travel to other museums in the country.

Let’s not stop and continue to support Ukraine together.

Read more: press here

Fot. Danil Privet